Monday, April 2, 2012

guitar notes master - software for learning notes and scales on the guitar fretboard

guitar notes master - software for learning notes and scales on the
guitar fretboard

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you& 39;re not alone i& 39;ve been playing the guitar for over 20 years, but a few years ago i decided that i wasn& 39;t playing as well as i wanted to. After all, when you& 39;ve been doing something for over 20 years, you should have become pretty good at it, right?

so, i decided to sit down and really analyze my playing and try to discover what was holding me back, and you know what i discovered?

that& 39;s right - despite over 20 years of playing, i could only quickly find notes on the e and a strings. And as for scale knowledge - sure, i could play the usual major, minor and pentatonic patterns in the most common forms, but my scale knowledge didn& 39;t stretch any further than that. Even those scales i did know, i could only play in one or two positions which seriously limited my soloing ability. My chord knowledge was not much better either, only stretching to the common open chords and barre chord forms and with little ability to find my own voicings.

when you think about it, this is really quite amazing. Imagine a piano player who& 39;d been playing for 20 years admitting they don& 39;t know all of the notes on the piano keyboard. Unthinkable yet, due to the way guitarists often learn their instrument this is the case for a vast number of guitarists. All of their flash technique and cool sounding effects are often covering up a dirty little secret - that they don& 39;t really know their instrument as well as they should

so, what& 39;s the ......Read More detail

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