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"how would your guitar soloing improve if you discovered exactly how to play guitar scales over the entire fretboard in a fluid, musical and effortless way?"
before we go any further, let me say that what you're about to learn about is definitely not suitable for everyone . And because i don't want to waste your time, could you please ask yourself three quick questions...
if you answered "yes" to all three questions...then you don't need to read any further. still with me? yes? great please read the rest of this page carefully. It's quite long, but it is important that you read every word. That way you'll understand exactly what you stand to gain...
do any of the following problems sound familiar?... you feel overwhelmed by how many scales you need to learn. let's face it. There are huge numbers of scales that you could learn. It is sometimes hard to even know where to start this frustration and overwhelm can make you feel less enthusiastic about your guitar practice.
you struggle with using scales in a musical way. often guitar players don't make music when they solo. They just sound like they are running up-and-down scales. They have no idea how to use scales in a musical and interesting way.
you can't visualize scales effortlessly over the entire fretboard. this can be really frustrating it feels like you're "locked" into one part of the fretboard when you solo.
you play scales without truly hearing them. often guitar players haven......Read More detail
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