Tuesday, January 31, 2012

| bizzy city

| bizzy city

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are you considering introducing your child to the internet? are you concerned about the dangers of online activity? are you continually searching for family friendly content? an entertaining and educational online experience in a fun, safe environment bizzy city was designed to provide your child a positive, beneficial online experience free from the potential negative influences and activity found on the internet. bizzy city is a micronet (mini-web) community for children; tweens and early teens, where they can experience selected online content such as books, games, videos, tv shows, movies, music, news, social networks and more. Although you, the parent, ultimately decides what is appropriate for your child, bizzy city offers a unique alternative to the internet at large in a safe, controlled environment. bizzy city features the following:

bizoo offers hundreds of wildlife and nature videos. Your child will delight in the variety and quality of the up-close encounters with animals from all over the world.

corner's bookstore if your child loves books, this is where you will find them in bizzy city. From classic literature to contemporary fiction, the shelves of corner's bookstore are filled with a large selection of classic audiobooks, online print books, and podcasts that are appropriate for all ages.

bztv features classic and contemporary television series and programming in a wide variety of categories such as adventure, comedy, cartoons, history, sc......Read More detail

Monday, January 30, 2012

playing guitar better | nlp guitar lessons book

playing guitar better | nlp guitar lessons book

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playing guitar better | nlp guitar lessons book is
TEACHERS AND STUDENTS! Now you can get Kent Murdick's new five volume series, "Learning To Read Music On the Classical Guitar" that goes right along with the Youtube technique videos. This is the direction and music you need to do things right! Buy three or more books and "shipping and handling" is FREE!

Sample pieces can be seen at:
Substitute in "2", "3" or "4" to see pieces in other volumes.

Book 1: "The First 30 Days of Instruction". $5.95 + $1.75 shipping and handling. The student will learn eight notes in the open position on the 3rd, 4th and 2nd stings, and a handful of simple rhythms -- all pieces and exercises are played with P stroke only.

Book 2: "The Next 30 Days of Instruction". $5.95 + $1.75 shipping and handling. Rests, ties, the division of the beat and eight new notes -- E, F, G on the 1st string and the open 5th and 6th strings - are covered in this volume. The rest stroke with 'i' and 'm' is introduced . A few solos are included.

Book 3: " Bass Notes". $5.95 + $1.75 shipping and handling. Since reading ledger line notes is difficult for beginning students , I devote a whole volume to learning B and C on the 5th string and F and G on the 6th string. Many solos are included.

Book 4: "Chords". $5.95 + $1.75 shipping and handling. Reading two and three-note chords and the free stroke are covered in this volume. Many playing styles are covered including ragtime, tango, beguine and the Mexican waltz. An index............Read More detail

tattoovorlagen, tattoomotive, tattoobilder - sofort downloaden!

tattoovorlagen, tattoomotive, tattoobilder - sofort downloaden!

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du bist auf der suche nach deinem eigenen, individuellen und perfekten tattoo? ein tattoo, das ein leben lang zu dir und zu deiner persönlichkeit passt? du möchtest deine zeit aber nicht mehr länger mit minderwertigen googlebildern oder zweitklassigen tattoovorlagen aus dem netz verschwenden?

ich heiße daniel, ich liebe tattoos und ich war vor ca. 10 jahren in einer ähnlichen situation. Ich weiß genau, was es bedeutet, ein nicht "bis zum ende gedachtes" tattoo zu tragen. Mache bitte nicht den gleichen fehler und vermeide von vornherein den gedanken an eine schmerzhafte laserentfernung

also lehn dich zurück und entspann dich denn du hast mit dem besuch dieser webseite deinen persönlichen tattooberater gefunden. Als tätowierer im "ruhestand" biete ich dir hier einen exklusiven und erlesenen katalog mit einer riesenauswahl an hochwertigen, sortierten tattoovorlagen im sofort - download.

"du bekommst eine riesenauswahl cooler ideen. Mein nachbar hat ein tattoostudio. Für ihn habe ich das paket gekauft. Dafür sind meine tattoos jetzt für immer kostenlos ;) normalerweise bekommt man für diesen preis immer nur ein paar vorlagen. Aber auf dieser seite ist die auswahl einfach gigantisch. Zusätzlich gibts jede menge infos. Danke daniel "

die tattoovorlagen, die du hier sofort downloaden kannst, sind wesentlich größer und detailgenauer als die meisten vorlagen, die du im netz finden kannst. Je höher die auflösung, je einfacher ist es für d......Read More detail

Sunday, January 29, 2012

klavier lernen | klavierunterricht | klavierspielen | keyboard akkorde | freies video für sie: klavier spielen lernen mit akkorden - affiseite 37 | frei klavier spielen lernen mit akkorden aus dem chordpiano-workshop

klavier lernen | klavierunterricht | klavierspielen | keyboard akkorde | freies video für sie: klavier spielen lernen mit akkorden - affiseite 37 | frei klavier spielen lernen mit akkorden aus dem chordpiano-workshop

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teil i, gelb, 64 seiten: einstieg, basics wie rhythmus, motivspiel, intervalle, tonarten teil ii, blau, 130 seiten: alle akkorde, tonleitern + zusammenhänge einfach und klar teil iii, grün, 74 seiten: akkordfolgen, bluesform, rhythmus-pattern, songs gestalten, insidertricks

hier hat mich ihr workshop in die richtige richtung gelenkt, da ich mich neben dem praktischen spielen und üben auch für musiktheorie interessiere. Ich hoffe, dass ich weiter so gut zurecht komme.

ich bedanke ich nochmals für den tollen workshop und wünsche ihnen und ihrer familie einen guten rutsch.... Mit freundlichen grüßen" mario rieß

ich arbeite bereits mit dem ersten band. Da ich nun kein kompletter anfänger bin (schon 50), sondern mir viele dinge aus verschiedensten lehrbüchern "zusammengelernt" hatte, kam mir vieles bekannt vor. Da mich die neugier plagte, musste ich natürlich in band ii und iii blättern.

und siehe da, endlich habe die unterlagen in der hand die ich immer gesucht habe. Der quintenzirkel war mir wohl bekannt, auch die meisten akkorde sind mir nicht fremd, aber die zusammenhänge hatte ich bis jetzt nicht wirklich kapiert. So gehen mir seite für seite ganze kronleuchter auf und ich frage mich, was ich bisher getan habe. Sie haben eine sehr klare erklärungssprache und konzentrieren sich auf die wesentlichen dinge des klavierspiels.

...hilft mir der workshop ungemein den musikalischen horizont zu erweitern und das klavierspiel intuitiv zu erfassen. Mir......Read More detail

&#9829 bellydancingcourse™ - the #1 home belly dancing class with 50 video lessons that guarantees results! &#9829

♥ bellydancingcourse™ - the #1 home belly dancing class with 50 video lessons that guarantees results! ♥

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date: from: the desk of mariella monroe professional belly dancer & certified trainer i magine being able to move your body with grace & confidence like a seasoned belly dancer easily and in a shortest time without paying for expensive lessons or getting self-conscious in live classes.

now you can.. And you can do it from home , in weeks not years without wasting money, time and effort on traditional dancing schools.

a little background -- and the big problem... the truth is, i often see new students get self-conscious and frazzled in live classes. What's more, many quit due to the inconvenience of travelling to classes or a hectic lifestyle that leaves them with no time.

so here's what i realized: wouldn't it be great if there is a complete jam-packed intensive course that teaches students the basics to advanced techniques of belly dancing...from home?

that is why over the past 5 years, through a long process of trial, error and experimentation, i have developed the most comprehensive all-in-one course that teaches you everything you ever need to know about belly dancing.

the entire program consists of over 50 videos with a total runtime of 8 hours , systematically teaching all major types of bellydance steps and combinations that leaves nothing to the imagination. It's the most jam-packed and intensive belly dancing course you'll ever experience.

so what makes this the 1 belly dancing course? 1. Over 50 videos (8 hours) of d......Read More detail

Saturday, January 28, 2012

pianopatternbox.com | begleitpattern für das freie klavierspiel

pianopatternbox.com | begleitpattern für das freie klavierspiel

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trage deine e-mail adresse hier ein und ich informiere dich, sobald meine anderen videos fertiggestellt sind (siehe unten). In jedem fall bekommst du die nächsten 4 videos völlig kostenlos jetzt eintragen: ich gebe deine daten nicht weiter
diese 4 videos warten noch auf dich: wo kann ich denn den songrobot kaufen? besten dank. ich spiele schon länger klavier, aber kann mich von noten nicht lösen. Deine videos regen mich jedoch an, mich dieser aufgabe zu widmen. Ferner geben mir deine videos gute anregungen, um freier zu werden.

hallo thorsten, ich finde großartig, was du da anbietest. Nach jahrelangem klassik-klavierspiel war ich auf der suche nach anleitung zum freien spiel und fand hier genau das, was ich suchte. Die anleitung beginnt für mich genau da, wo ich von meinem wissens- und könnensstand her abgeholt werden möchte und ist wunderbar klar und verständlich aufgebaut. Für den moment bin ich begeistert. danke für dein web-angebot und viele grüße martin

a mi me encantaria aprender a tocar piano . Pero se me hace tan dificil esta tecnica esta buena.. thorsten antwort vom januar 6th, 2013 3:35 pm : gracias por el correo este curso proporciona una buena base: http://www.einfach-klavierspielen.de . Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, puede informar de que te gusta. Saludos thorsten

bin eine wirklich blutige anfängerin im fortgeschrittenen alter (47), keine ahnung von noten, aber schon musikalisch und laaaange sängerin in einem chor. Womit fange ......Read More detail

Friday, January 27, 2012

belly dance lessons online - home

belly dance lessons online - home

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learn how to belly dance in the comfort of your own home. Get started with 8 free eclasses straight away

have you always wanted to know how to belly dance, but haven't been able to for whatever reason? claim your curves and turn them into assets " i'm a shift worker and can't attend regular classes " "i've always wanted to learn, but i'm too shy to do it in front of a group " "i'm a mum and can't get out of the house easily " "i don't live near a belly dance teacher, how can i learn?" "there are no belly dance teachers in my area " discover how to look good and feel great in an easy to follow, step-by-step guide with full support along the way

over the years, students have asked me if i hold classes at different times, or students get frustrated that they can only attend sporadically due to work, family, or other commitments. Shift workers find it particularly difficult to attend regularly. Then if you add in lack of transport, and not to mention bad weather can all hinder students from learning what they love belly dance so i have come up with a solution. i will teach you at the time that suits you, in the privacy of your own home, at your convenience .

simply scroll down the page and put your name and email address into the box to introduce yourself. Once you've done that, it will take you to a page with the first 5 free e-classes to get you started right away .

you will be able to get started straight away with belly dance basics like:......Read More detail

become a movie star!

become a movie star!

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how did hugh jackman get the famous wolverine role? he did a simple audition back in 1999 when he was dead broke and boo m the famous wolverine role was his to play with become a movie star i will make sure you get the big-time roles without any hesitation

so what will i get from this report? 66-pages of insider information of the industry. writing the perfect resume (with resume example) how to become an actor & pursuing a career in acting finding auditions and getting started immediately access to a database of famous producers/actors/directors in hollywood how to handle scene situations with ease becoming a master at memorizing lines full tutorials on the horror, comedy and drama genres the full glossary of all the acting terms so you won't get stuck valuable information on titles/roles becoming a movie star as a kid free lifetime membership on our official members area and much more...Read More detail

Thursday, January 26, 2012

basic rock guitar lessons

basic rock guitar lessons

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having videos and material covering real life rock guitar topics that you can take and apply today opened for national bands guitar players that work with me to constantly create our professional guitar lesson material hinder saving abel powerman 5000 candlebox alterbridge theory of a deadman ra adema the misfits nonpoint tantric greenjello and more... i have worked with and created guitar curriculums for some of the largest music distributors i.e. played in numerous signed touring bands as mentioned above and one of my newest adventure is with an up and coming signed band still well angel . the best benefit of the beginner rock guitar method is that you are receiving two different approaches to learning the guitar. 1. The “ self taught method ” which i bring to the table. 2. And the “ step by step module system ” which myself and pro-guitar teachers have spent years crafting you are getting the best of both worlds. let me teach you what has worked for me over the years , along with a strong, solid guitar foundation that my pro teachers put together along with me. you would not believe the useless material i scrapped, why? because it’s not needed or used in real life playing situations and consumes your time from learning material you can apply i.e. Learning songs, chords, scales, solos, tricks of the trade etc... this is a point a to point b course. Zero fluff don’t be part of the waiting list join today click here … when you finish......Read More detail

fashion design course- learn fashion design- fashion design books- become a fashion designer

fashion design course- learn fashion design- fashion design books- become a fashion designer

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the secrets to becoming a professional fashion designer ''discover how to get paid $1,000 p/week as a professional fashion designer....'' getting started in the fashion industry can be hard work- so im going to let you in on the professional secrets to getting the killer job you have always wanted

within minutes you could end years of frustration discover how you can achieve your ultimate dream of becoming a professional fashion designer yes fashion designers get paid $50-$100k a year.. yes you could be the next successful fashion designer it doesn't matter how old you are: 14 or 40 years old- it's never to early or too late to start your fashion designing career yes -it's a shame for you not to make good money in this industry- when you have all the talent within you already. You just need to know how to get started

could your designs be on this catwalk? you are born to be a fashion designer if.... y ou have attention to detail y ou are easily inspired and like being around creative and inspiring people y ou have loads of ideas for clothes and accessories y ou absolutely love the new season trends and cant wait to get your hands on the latest new looks if it has been 'your dream' to become a fashion designer, or start your own fashion line- you are in the right place at the right time

maybe you could be the next 'project- runway' winner ? in the fashion industry its not 'w hat' you know but rather 'w ho' y ou know annette corrie- director - la mode colle......Read More detail

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

beauty pageant tips & secrets

beauty pageant tips & secrets

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do you know how to add that specialwinning "spice" to your personality ? do you know the secret signal that makes the judges believe that you deserve to win? do you knowthe most important thing to remember when choosing your talent competition ? the first thing i tell them is not to worry...they (or their child) don't need to have lots of experience to do well in pageants. i then go through an overview of the beauty pageant industry and offer them all sorts of tips and strategies to give them confidence and an edge over their competition. after our meetings, i would often hear something to the effect of:

so finally after 10 years in thebusiness i decided to do just that after months of working on it, the result is what i have called "the beauty pageant success system" . It's a home study guide designed primarily for "regular people" with little or no experience with beauty pageants , that helps them get up to speed fast.

written in plain, easy-to-understand english and easy to follow instructions my guide shows you everything you need to know to easily stand out in the competition and make a remarkable impression on the judges . i start the guide by giving an overview of the beauty pageant industry, then i teach youall of the basics... How to dress, how to wear your hair, what never to do, how to improve your modeling, how to capitalize on the talent portion of the event, answers that impress judges and much much more. it's extremely user-friendly. All of the in......Read More detail

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

hip hop instrumentals - hip hop beats - beats2rap2.com

hip hop instrumentals - hip hop beats - beats2rap2.com

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you get hundreds of professional, original, radio quality hip hop beats, reggetone beats & r&b beats instrumentals like these can sell for hundreds, even thousands of dollars but at beats2rap2.com you get access to these professional hip hop beats and r&b beats for a fraction of the price

these royalty free beats can be used for all means and purposes… for demos , albums , mix-tapes , film , radio and the internet .Read More detail

learn how to make beats - fl studio tutorial videos - beat generals

learn how to make beats - fl studio tutorial videos - beat generals

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learn how to make beats - fl studio tutorial videos - beat generals is
To find out more, Click here:

High quality, easy-to-understand video tutorials for FL Studio to learn how to make beats. You will be guided step-by-step through beat-making techniques used by the pros to create professional music.

Use professional sounds to create beats that really knock and stand out from the crowd. Our Drum kits, FLP files & VST presets keep you ahead of the ............Read More detail

men style book | be stylish! ™ what every man should know about how to look good

men style book | be stylish! ™ what every man should know about how to look good

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men style book | be stylish! ™ what every man should know about how to look good
is ............Read More detail

bassgitarre selbst bauen technik

bassgitarre selbst bauen technik

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bassgitarre selbst bauen technik is
Patentschriften rund um die Technik von elektrischen Gitarren....
For more info! at
E-Gitarre selbst bauen - Technik E-Gitarre selbst bauen - Te............Read More detail

Monday, January 23, 2012

improve your ballet technique with the ballet bible

improve your ballet technique with the ballet bible

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enter your name and email address below to get my free video lesson on the difference between a good dancer and a great dancer

i often publish free technique tips and articles for aspiring dancers and the dance community in general. Whether you are a current student, adult beginner, teacher, or parent, i would love to get to know you better. Just use the simple form below to fill in your details.

i have been lucky enough to teach hundreds of aspiring ballet students in the last few years and impart to them the secrets of prima ballerinas and world renowned professional dancers.

but... Before i tell you how i can help improve your dancing, let me start off by telling you how i got here and why i am writing this.

it all started at my first ballet class. i had no idea what to expect but like many others, i always wanted to be a ballerina, so i built up the courage and finally made it to a class. When i arrived i quickly realized everyone else had been dancing at least a couple of years already and here i was, the newbie , standing in the middle of the studio not even sure if i was wearing the correct ballet attire.

my mother had never danced and knew nothing about ballet, so i couldn't ask her for any advice. Like many other mothers, she really wanted to help but she just had no idea know what to do for me. you could only imagine the embarrassement and intimidation i felt as a teenager standing all by myself in the dance studio with all these e......Read More detail

backstage passes and vip concert tickets

backstage passes and vip concert tickets

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the complete guide to getting special access privileges read this, and in 5 minutes... You can too first of all, i'm a regular person just like you... I don't have any "special connections." but i've gotten all-access and vip passes to concerts and sporting events all around the country my close friends are constantly amazed at the stuff i do everyone asks, "how do you do it?"

it's actually fairly easy anybody can get backstage passes. I repeat, anybody there's a specific method that works about 70% of the time, and once you master the process, it's as easy as mailing 2 or 3 letters.

and here's the best part: not only am i going to show you how to get backstage passes to just about any concert you want... I'm going to show you how to get them for free

"okay, here's the deal. When i bought your 'backstage passes' book i didn't have much hope but i was desperate. I practiced on a concert i really didn't care about - but guess what? i got backstage on my first try i'm now 3 for 3 and i have full confidence in my ability to get free passes. This program rocks thanks so much." nicki m., charlotte n.c.

click here for the next page ... home | faq | about us | order now | privacy policy | b......Read More detail

Sunday, January 22, 2012

simple magic tricks to learn | how to do magic tricks | card tricks, coin tricks, rope tricks

simple magic tricks to learn | how to do magic tricks | card tricks, coin tricks, rope tricks

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discover the secrets of real pro' magic tricks in the privacy & comfort of your home click the > above to see the ending

all fully illustrated with step-by-step video instructions and explanations. don't miss out on this top seller get your copy now - click here an amazing collection of over 25 magic card tricks that you can do to amaze and amuse your friends and baffle any audience...

all fully illustrated with step-by-step instructions and explanations. allow me to pass on to you, - some of my magical knowledge and experience, gained from a lifetime in professional magical and comedy performance.

i've put together a number of magic ebooks with the sort of magic tricks that anyone can do and that appear like miracles, using ordinary everyday items.

there's card tricks, coin tricks, rope tricks, and magic tricks of all kinds.... see below for money magic, card magic, and general fun magic our series of magic ebooks is constantly expanding and is designed to help you become the 'life and soul' of any party or gathering and to boost your confidence, reputation and sales presentations using easy practical magic.

for more details on any item just click on the ebook title or cover begin magic here >> "l......Read More detail

Saturday, January 21, 2012

background music download for video and multimedia

background music download for video and multimedia

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background music download for video and multimedia is it looks like you don't have flash player installed. click here to go to macromedia download page.
This background music is free to use for non-commercial videos, presentations and other multimedia projects; just provide a credit: music by longzijun.

You can download the free MP3 file from:

More detailed terms of use of songs in the free background music series can be found here:

This composition is part of a series of music tracks done as background music for various videos. Among all my songs, this one is probably the most versatile in that it can suit all kinds of videos. It works especially well with slow-motion shots. Many viewers have comments that this song is also good background music for studying.

This music was originally created for a student video: Dreamers HK - What's Your Dream in Life?:

This music was composed and recorded using a Korg m50. The drum and percussion parts are from pre-recorded loops. The song was edited using Sonar Home Studio.

The video is simply a video capture of the song playing in i-tunes (with the i-tunes visualizer show............Read More detail

Friday, January 20, 2012

audio verst�rker endstufe selbst bauen

audio verst�rker endstufe selbst bauen

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audio verst�rker endstufe selbst bauen is
Der little gem (Idee von runoffgroove.com und forbi.net) live in Aktion, verbaut in einer Airwaves Kaugummi-Dose. Zum Abschluss wird der Mini Gitarren Verstärker noch kurz auseinander gebaut. Zum Teil wird der Distortion Plus (+) DIY Clone von Musikding als Effekt eingesetzt. Sound kommt von der Kammera und könnte besser sein aber ich denke man kann erahnen was der aus 6 Bauteilen bestehenden 2 EUR Amp so zu leistern ve............Read More detail

a.s.a.piano! learn to play easy beginners piano & keyboard songs without reading music

a.s.a.piano! learn to play easy beginners piano & keyboard songs without reading music

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home | testimonials | popular | ballads | gospel | faq's | disclaimer | contact i'm going to show you step-by-step, the secret of quickly playing piano & keyboard songs without you having to spend years taking traditional lessons.

watch this video closely. Now you can also to play songs like this: from the desk of samantha griffiths (grade 8 piano teacher) i almost gave up until i found this package... "i absolutely love it thank you so much. I almost gave up until i found this package. I am so excited now and can t stop playing..." yvonne van der westhuizen - south africa

d ear aspiring piano or keyboard player, if you d like to be playing your first full length, impressive song on the piano or keyboard in just 40 minutes from now then this letter will show you how.

i hold a grade 8 in the piano and i ve taught hundreds of people to play the piano and keyboard in my time.

i'm passionate about music, especially piano & keyboard music. it provides a lot of joy and excitement in my life. i also love seeing the look excitement and pleasure on my student s faces when they realize that playing the piano or keyboard is something that everyone can do no matter what age or ability.

for limited time only i want to share with you the secrets of playing the piano and keyboard like a pro, with less time and effort than you ever imagined.

i'm already playing complete songs... "thanks to your course i can now play some easy songs all the way th......Read More detail

art for everyone - lessons online

art for everyone - lessons online

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"art for everyone" utilizing the power of the internet to promote appreciation for and involvement in the arts online art lessons with bennecelli

draw the face with bennecelli - click here you can do calligraphy - click here portrait painting in the classical style - click here you can draw anything you see - in production (coming soon ) modern italic handwriting - coming soon beginning realistic oil painting - coming soon beginning watercolor painting - coming soon how to make money with your art - click here new click here for information
"bennecelli is a great teacher. I never believed i had any artistic ability, but i amazed myself after taking his course." - jean s., california. "i took one of the painting classes and that's what got me started. Now i sell my paintings at shows." - ann h., virginia "the thing that i like most about bennecelli's teaching is his demonstrations." - robert j., new york

would you like to be notified when i add new courses? i'll be happy to let you know. Please just use this form.

e-mail: which course(s) are you most interested in? bookmark this page and check back frequently to see what's new check out some of the other interesting art pages on this site studioarts.net have you visited the best online discount art supply store? the one place to get all your art & calligraphy supplies - click here Read More detail

Thursday, January 19, 2012



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mary ann boysen for more information, call: 440-667-7276 e-book: learning the basics in watercolor cape cod chagrinfalls chautauqua florals/still lifes france greece/ turkey hawaii hilton head kiawah lakeside monet's garden montages naples, fl niagara on the lake notecards

provence rural landscapes sanibel san miguel mx sea,boats,sunsets watercolor oncanvas ••••••••••••••••••••••• lessons in watercolor all about watercolor paper

on r-tistx board & claybord® how to paint crystal and lace how to paint water reflections ••••••••••••••••••••••• page of links

lessons in watercolor ..... free see my " watercolor-painting-tips " site for loads of information

the info includes techniques, types of paint, brushes, studio and plein air supplies, watercolor surfaces, and preparing your painting surface.

in addition there are lessons on painting landscapes, skies, negative shapes, figures and faces, crystal and lace, and a four part demo showing the steps of painting a landscape.

soon, short videos of painting techniques will be shown there for instructional purposes. ••••••• there are some painting instructions on this site as well. Check out the r-tistx section in th......Read More detail

learn guitar ebook

learn guitar ebook

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are you searching for an easy method for learning how to play guitar? are you tired of watching hot-shot videos that demonstrate lightning fast guitar licks, while you can't even play one chord clearly?

let me help put an end to your frustration perhaps you are like many beginners who are spending countless hours surfing the web for information on howto play theguitar.all you want is someone who can help you learn how to play...

...instead of showing-off how good they are well, if that's what you're after, then the abc learn guitar ebook is for you it was created especially for beginners andeven includes videos to help accelerate your learning process.

but you won't have to worry about that because each lesson inside the abc learn guitar ebook provides a primary objective and a practical application to helpkeep you on track.

inside you will discover the "secrets" you need to know in order to become a better musician.. . i have every confidence that the abc learn guitar ebook , videos, and other resources i provide, will help you reap results andseean overall improvement in your playing. Guaranteed

not to mention the hours of time and money you will save on guitar lessons plus... the abc learn guitar ebook is a pdf file, so there are no monthly fees. after you download it you will be able to read the lessons ( written in plain english ) on yourown computer.

you can also print a hard copy of the lessons so you can study and review them ......Read More detail

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



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home is this free script provided by javascript kit
Buy Now!

Music video by Phillip Phillips performing ............Read More detail

Tuesday, January 17, 2012



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angklung it self is made of a pair mounted bamboo tubes which give an octave sound when shaken. The tubes are supported in a square frame, also made of bamboo. Each tube is split open about two-thirds of its length. The bottom of the tube is closed by a node, with two tongues below it, so shaped when the bottom is cut. The tongues sit in a small trough in the base of the frame and move back and forth freely when the instrument is shaken sideways, the sound being created by concussion.

a tube is one half the length of the other and the tubes are tuned an octave apart. An angklung player holds the instrument in one hand and shakes it with the other. A melody is performed by providing as many angklungs and players as required by the different pitches of the tube.

bamboo music using angklung sound library we have two different type of angklung sound in this angklung sound library collection.the first type of angklung is a long sustained angklung that the sound played like tremolo but it is not. The angklung is played by shaked wich give an octave sound. Stereo recorded 44.1 khz/16 bit and have 3 different sound become one sound/hit. The second type of angklung is called angklung centok . There are examples of angklung centok technique that you can watch in video below.

gambang instrument is more less similar to the marimba but gambang made of bamboo material. In this angklung sound library, gambang is divided in two instrument. The first is a gambang with t......Read More detail

| anime studio tutorials

| anime studio tutorials

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we haven't met, but the fact that you're on this page now tells me that you don't know how to use the popular anime studio * software and you don't have your own professional looking cartoon, yet, but you want to release one fast.

i don't want to waste your time and bore you with a long sales letter. Let's get down to the point shall we?

i can not only teach you how to use the anime studio * software, but i know how you can release your own television quality cartoon in only two weeks.

i was in your position before. I was very frustrated when i first started in animation, and i could not find a practical and feasible solution to how to use anime studio *.

i searched everywhere and i got really fed up. why? because information on how to use the software was scattered here and there and never seemed to cover what i needed to know. How does digging through thousands of blogs and hundreds of forums sound?

but my efforts weren't in vain. I learned bits and pieces here and there, but my best and fastest made animations are actually the result of about 3 years of my own trial and error with character setup and rigging. I'm so glad i stuck with it because now i can share these secrets with you ( secrets i haven't seen anywhere else ) and save you countless hours, months, and probably years of wasted time perfecting your cartoon character rigs. After countless hours were spent on experimenting on these methods, i know which methods work and which one......Read More detail

Monday, January 16, 2012

make cardboard standees and custom cardboard cutouts

make cardboard standees and custom cardboard cutouts

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i ve put together an easy to use system that allows you to turn your photographs into life-sized memories, party event centerpieces, and even creative ways to market your business or charity

life-sized cutouts are hugely popular at if you re in charge of planning a special event, you want to create a fun, unique, and exciting experience that will be the talk of everyone who attends for years to come. You want to create memories that ll last a lifetime without breaking the bank. Now you can have your own celebrity guest appearance at any event whether it s johnny depp, angelina jolie, jack nicholson, or even elvis and marilyn monroe

there s no need to head on down to hollywood to bring the hottest stars to your next event - all you need is a home computer, some stationary, a couple very inexpensive tools, a color printer, and an hour of your time. Take your parties from fizzle to sizzle and make a statement at your next event thanks to the endless possibilities that my easy to use software provides.

now you can turn any good quality picture into a life-sized cardboard cutout that looks just like the real thing the almost breathing package provides you with an instructional ebook that guides you on how to turn any picture into a life-sized standup right from the comfort and convenience of your own home. You can and will achieve professional results without the cost and hassle of having one created for you by a printer. Don t spend hundreds of dollars on jus......Read More detail

american accent for actors: practically speaking - a practical guide to learning the american accent.

american accent for actors: practically speaking - a practical guide to learning the american accent.

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12th of may 2013 dear actors, would you love to land the next role that comes to town? are you planning on finally taking that trip to la or ny to follow your dream? or do you just want to play a trick on your friends? whatever the reasons for learning the american accent, practically speaking by troy mackinder will help you get there. He makes it as easy and fun to learn and has over 12 years experience in teaching actors. if you have been wanting to learn the american accent but don't know where to begin you have come to the right place. With practically speaking you will learn the basics that will allow you to act with an american accent for the rest of your career . You will learn the core part of the american accent which include resonance, emphasis & stresses, vowels and r's. In the bare necessities section you will also be given a practical example which you can follow from the start of the rehearsal process to the actual audition. Throughout the training you will have the supplementary video of troy teaching every major section of accent. As well, you will have audio to help practice each vowel. thousands of people like you have benefited from troy's unique and practical approach to the accent. Will you be next?

practically speaking is a practical and easy to grasp technique for learning the american accent. Troy is a passionate teacher who has spent over 12 years helping students fulfil their dreams. not only has he been a teacher for many years but he is ......Read More detail

Sunday, January 15, 2012

use music like a map, not as a ball and chain

use music like a map, not as a ball and chain

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if you play the piano to some degree and can read simple music to some degree, you are invited to join my "inner circle" . It's not for pure beginners and it's not for advanced piano players, but for the 90% who are somewhere in the middle. If you are a mature adult - and by that i don't mean "old adult" - i mean mature in your personality - not a whiner or complainer or a person who requires hand-holding all the time -- and you want to improve your piano playing by digging beneath the surface of a song and learning to arrange songs creatively and put your own stamp of originality on them. Then you are invited to join my group of "duane's private students" to receive these monthly online lessons at www.duanesprivatestudents.com via a password you will be issued after you sign up. vast musical riches lie under the surface of every song --
glo hp -- email on file july 25, 2011 vast musical riches lie beneath the surface of every song -- like buried treasure . But you'll never find it if you use sheet music the same old way. i will teach you to use sheet music like a map -- a map that contains clues that will lead you to "buried treasure" in a song.
it's for a select group of piano players who want to take their playing to the next level by discovering the treasure that lies buried in every song. For the most part it is for people who have already studied with duane and are anxious to get on to the next level of playing......Read More detail

akustische gitarre technik

akustische gitarre technik

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akustische gitarre technik is
Akustische Gitarre Technik Akustische Gitarre, Saiteninstrumente Technik Eine einmalige Ideensammlung f¼r Musiker, Bastler und Selbstbauer Umfang: 119 Patentschriften - zusammen 930 Seiten bei Papierausdruck (DIN A4) Beschreibung des Inhalts: Das Technik-Kompendium rund um Akustische Gitarren und Saiteninstrumente.

Eine einmalige Ideensammlung f¼r Musiker, Bastler und Selbstbauer. In dieser umfangreichen Patentschriftensammlung finden Sie unz¤hlige Entwicklungen und Konstruktionsbeispiele f¼r Akustische Gitarren aller Art.

Hier erhalten Sie umfassende technische Beschreibungen und detailgenaue Zeichnungen von verschiedenen Gitarren und vergleichbaren Saiteninstrumenten, Umstimmvorrichtungen, Stegen, Tonabnehmern und vielem mehr. Und all das auf 930 Seiten! For more info!............Read More detail

Saturday, January 14, 2012

ahwhat! presets | world class adobe lightroom presets

ahwhat! presets | world class adobe lightroom presets

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ahwhat! presets | world class adobe lightroom presets is
Get Trial Version: Ahwhat! Adobe Lightroom Presets
Would You Like To Take Your Photography To A New Level Of Creativity? Would You Like To Simplify Your Post-production Workflow? Get Stunning Results With A Simple Click Of The Mouse In Adobe Lightroom With Ahwhat! Presets!
Ahwhat! Adobe Lightroom Presets Review... For more information!............Read More detail

master chi power

master chi power

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fi nd out as steve fearson teaches you a secret technique he developed after a lifetime of searching for the ultimate way to affect objects from a distance. what he has discovered is

we need to make something perfectly clear at this point... (no gimmicks of any kind are used to move the objects.) in this video you will learn a powerful technique that when mastered will enable you to move objects from a distance. Steve's explanation will make you look at the concept of "chi energy" in a whole new way.

it will take some dedication but your work will pay off. Learn to perform airbender and you will have a one-of-a-kind performance piece that blurs the line between the real and the unreal.

for the first time, steve reveals details of his las vegas meetings with world-reknown psychic and martial artist james hydrick. Hydrick appeared on that's incredible and was named the top psychic in the world because of his ability to move objects from a distance. You may have heard that hydrick was exposed as a fraud. That is partially correct. Steve reveals surprising details about his methods that will make you reconsider the meaning of the word supernatural.

you'll also hear an explanation for some of the mystical feats performed by chi masters. If you've ever wondered how they can cause others to fall to the floor or even fly backwards across the room without touching them... You need to see this.

yes i am over 18 and agree $10 special discount......Read More detail

Friday, January 13, 2012

piano tuning tools | kits | parts | supplies | decals | instruction | benches

piano tuning tools | kits | parts | supplies | decals | instruction | benches

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this piano tuning site is designed to provide you with a vast amount of information about piano service and related subjects. We also supply a complete line of piano tuning tools , piano parts and piano supplies . We also now offer a complete line of stock & custom piano decals .

you may also find an extensive list of accessories such as piano benches , piano stools and piano moving equipment . Choose an item from the menu bar at the top or choose a link at the bottom of this page to navigate this site.

i have prepared a number of "ebooks" (electronic books) on a variety of piano tuning related subjects. These may be downloaded to your computer and read off line. You may also print them out if you would like a hard copy. Printed copies are also available which can be mailed to you. Here are the ebooks currently available.

click on an image for more information . . . did you ever wish that you could tune your own piano? well . . . Here is what you need to get started. Download my manual today & discover the basics of how to tune your own piano. free consultation is available with your purchase. more information please . . .

do you have basic mechanical skills? then doing your own repairs will be a cinch once you understand the functions of the various parts of a piano, you can easily do most of the repairs yourself. My ebook will teach you how to diagnose a problem & then make the appropriate repairs. I also give you sources for all the tools & part......Read More detail

adult guitar lessons$title

adult guitar lessons

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play your first song on the guitar in the next few years , months , days ready to get started ?........ read on ..... over 100 lessons from beginner to intermediate learn to play songs from "our generation" guaranteed results , even if you're a complete beginner i would say your course is the best on the internet and your communication is unbelievable your simplified diagrams and patient video demonstrations are like a refreshing breath of cool air. If i can help convince any fence sitters don't hesitate to refer them to me.

have you always wanted to play guitar but could never find the time? like the rest of us , you're probably busy raising a family, working a job, finishing school or chasing a career. You might even think you're too old, or unable to learn how to play.

you may have already tried to learn guitar only to become frustrated and disappointed . Have you had problems with fingers that don't want to co-operate, or difficulty pressing down the strings to make chords sound "clear", or challenges with strumming and getting the right "timing"? do you feel like your hands are just too small, or you'll never be able to stretch your fingers enough to play guitar? have you tried guitar lessons designed for a " younger crowd ", that seemed geared toward kids - and taught by kids?

if you answered yes to any of these questions, take heart, you're in the right place read on... adult guitar lessons is available onlin......Read More detail

Thursday, January 12, 2012

piano | how to play piano, how to play keyboard, learn to play keyboard, piano lessons online

piano | how to play piano, how to play keyboard, learn to play keyboard, piano lessons online

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this is the fastest training for those who wish to see immediate results don't waste time on learning things that you will never need to use.

adictum.com about | faq | contact | affiliates | privacy policy | how to sing
How to play the piano is a question that many are baffled by. In order to truly learn piano and be a complete piano player the piano must be made easy. It doesn't matter if it's a jazz piano, blues piano, beginners piano, chord piano, it simply doesn't matter. There are core fundamentals that once learned can have you playing piano in a flash. What you don't need is expensive keyboard lessons or software, you can actually easily teach yourself piano at your own pace and learn to play keyboards, even learn to read music with step by step piano instructions. Once mastered you'll most likely to play piano by ear! Piano for all has easy to follow piano instructions by ebook, audio and piano lessons on video so that no stone is unturned and you get the most out of the program. Piano for all has worked wonders for thousands of people worldwide. Using the unique techniques in Piano for all, even piano chords charts aren't difficult to follow and learning to read music is made easy. Piano for all worked very well for me and if you're serious about being a complete piano player it will work for you also. Just visit the link above for more det......Read More detail

commercial acting workshops by stuart stone . Master the skill of booking the job

commercial acting workshops by stuart stone . Master the skill of booking the job

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to receive essential tips and advice on nailing your audition, and our free guide, the industry insider , join our email list

written by emmy and clio award winning casting director, stuart stone, acting out gives you all the tools you need for reaching a professional career as a consistently working commercial actor... learn more

in this comprehensive ebook, stuart pulls back the veil and tells you what you really need to know to be successful. It s time to take control of your career . How much is the knowledge to empower yourself worth to you?

stone casting 2008 © all right reserved privacy policy | terms & conditions | sit......Read More detail

acting career quick start

acting career quick start

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would you prefer to read the pdf version of this video? you can download that here: click here to download the transcript of the video.

testimonial: the following is an excerpt from an email written to tony, creator of the acting career quick start home-study course by brent bauer, one of the very first students in the program.

"hey tony, well this week has been amazing for me sunday, i filmed my first fight scene in an independent movie i ve been working on. It was a sword fight which went really well; nobody got hurt, and i was able to see some of the raw footage which looked great. monday, i got a callback for a commercial i auditioned for last month. The callback was wednesday which went very well. I also just got a role for a part in a web series for sunday. And i m going to be submitting my information for a part on a show on a local network. This sunday, i m going to be filming for a web series, then an audition, and then filming for the movie.

it s been awesome also, i am preparing for my first mailing, which will be sent in two weeks. Earlier today, i wrote my cover letter for the mailings. I wrote one specifically to one of the casting directors i will send to (i ll do minor tweaking depending on who i m sending to, just as you talk about in the course).

i was wondering could you read the cover letter and let me know what you think? i just want to make sure it s good to go. I made sure to do my research on the casting director like y......Read More detail

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

acoustic guitar money: how to make good money with your guitar, train for competitions, more! click here for details!

acoustic guitar money: how to make good money with your guitar, train for competitions, more! click here for details!

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what does it take to write a 1 hit? click here for free information the answer is yes i play live acoustic guitar music almost every week of the year, makinggood, regular money---and i'm going to show you exactly howyou cando it, too--even if you don't play guitar and can't even sing and lots of people are now using live acoustic guitar shows to train for american idol and other competitions--read below

from the desk of, rex murphy artist, acoustic performer there are lots of books online about how to play guitar, singing lessons, etc. But none that i've seen that tell you specifically the best ways to make money with your guitar without having to join one or more bands, wear yourself out trying to make ends meet, and feeling like you can't win. Instead of going solo, most guitar players, songwriters, and artists looking to make money usually try to join or form a band. that can be a good thing in time, but it can be tough to get all the right players together that think the same way you do, buy all the equipment, market the band, learn all the songs, practice, and try to book gigs that pay well enough, which doesn't happen for a long time for bands that aren't established. Not that being in a band is bad it just requires a lot more time and it's harder to make good money.

and if you're like i was, you need money now, not a bunch of expenses and waiting around--right? well, there is a better way, if you want some fast, fun, weekly music income or want to trai......Read More detail

free online guitar lessons - learn guitar online for free!

free online guitar lessons - learn guitar online for free!

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free online guitar lessons - learn guitar online for free! is m aster these incredible guitar secrets:
"dude you just made me look like a god, thanks "
Free Guitar Lessons:

Free Online Guitar Lessons Youtube Electric Guitar Basic Video Tabs for Guitar How to Play. Free Online Guitar Lessons Youtube Electric Guitar Basic Video Tabs for Guitar How to Play. Free Online Guitar Lessons Youtube Electric Guitar Basic Video Tabs for Guitar How to Play. Free Online Guitar Lessons Youtube Electric Guitar Basic Video Tabs for Guitar How to Play. Free Online Guitar Lessons Youtube Electric Guitar Basic Video Tabs for Guitar How to Play. Free Online Guitar Lessons Youtube Electric Guitar Basic Video Tabs for Guitar How to Play. Free Online Guitar Lessons Youtube Electric Guitar Basic Video Tabs for Guitar How to Play. Free Online Guitar Lessons Youtube Electric Guitar Basic Video Tabs for Guitar How to ............Read More detail

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

accordion lessons - accordion tutor - accordion tuition

accordion lessons - accordion tutor - accordion tuition

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a ccordion tutor - accordion tuition - accordion lessons ebook

there are 57 pages containing over fifty (50) lessons private accordion lessons can cost at least $25 per a half hour these days and once you leave your teacher you are on your own. Over 50 lessons - great value get it now - download or on cd
on cd by post $45.00 - on cd by post if you choose to receive the accordion course for beginners ebook on cd by post we will confirm the order and request you to supply us your postal address by email. $45.00 - on cd by post
what is an ebook? please take the time to read the details below. do you need a music stand?

an electronic version of a traditional print book that can be read by using a personal computer and/or an ebook reader. An ebook reader may be a software program used on a personal computer or a portable reading device. you will require the free adobe reader . (downloadable from www.adobe.com )

a computer screen is an ideal way of viewing an ebook such as the accordion course for beginners ......Read More detail

a walk into abstracts

a walk into abstracts

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artists like myself want to peek through other artist s studio keyholes because we are curious to see what other artists are doing. In other words, how did they do that ?
aren t you curious how artists do what they do and might want to try it? people need to know what it feels like to make a painting that way. The reason people want to read how abstract artists make their paintings is so they can try to do it themselves, but differently.

you have probably spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for books, tapes and workshops. Many artist charge $75, $100 or more per day for workshops. A five day workshop can easily cost more than $1,000 dollars with tuition, travel, lodging, food, etc.

and still you are just learning from one artist. i recently spent over $1,000 for a 5 day workshop with a very well known artist and by the third day i was so disappointed i was ready to go home.

here you are getting the opportunity to learn the techniques of 32 artists. this is a collection of abstract painting techniques and ideas from 32 accomplished abstract artists and 51 pieces of abstract art work.

this is actually volume six in the "a walk into abstracts" series. Volume one was a massive collection of abstract art and so popular, i felt that artists were frantically searching for new abstract painting techniques. So, i contacted 32 of my favorite abstract artists and asked them to contribute to this book.

these are different abstract artists a......Read More detail

Monday, January 9, 2012

abc you can draw - master how to draw - art teachers exercises and notes - teachers - teacher guide, lesson plans, teach yourself art and drawing. Exercises you can use yourself or teach in the classroom from beginner level. How to draw. Project ideas. Equipment guide. How to draw using pen and ink. Commissioned photograph resourcesfor artists on perspective drawing, understanding color, using pen and ink, pencil drawing, working from nature, easy lessons, design guide, class games, 3d drawing skills, using calligraphy pens and nibs, mapping pens, beginner level to intermediate artists

abc you can draw - master how to draw - art teachers exercises and notes - teachers - teacher guide, lesson plans, teach yourself art and drawing. Exercises you can use yourself or teach in the classroom from beginner level. How to draw. Project ideas. Equipment guide. How to draw using pen and ink. Commissioned photograph resourcesfor artists on perspective drawing, understanding color, using pen and ink, pencil drawing, working from nature, easy lessons, design guide, class games, 3d drawing skills, using calligraphy pens and nibs, mapping pens, beginner level to intermediate artists

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as a professional illustrator and teacher, i was hired by a university to rescue two classes of graphic design students who were due to complete their diplomas, but they could not draw well.

using the proven step by step workshops i had written and trialed over many years i took these students from rough amateurs to skilled practitioners of technical and commercial drawing.

they passed their exams and earned their qualifications. now these workshop manuals are available online. “jenni, you taught me that i could draw much better than i ever though i could, in just a couple of hours ”

at last a surefire proven skill based system that works discover the simple skill system taught to over 2,000 art and design students, teachers and illustrators over the past 18 years . these unique techniques get you in full control no matter what your current skill level.

get maximum impact from your ideas quickly, easily, and confidently the good news is – you can start at any level and learn to draw easily. i know. I’ve seen it time and time again.

you'll soon discover how to create drawings that are skillful and fascinating ... Artworks that are uniquely yours, professional, and a pleasure to display. You won't be frustrated by trying to transfer your ideas from your thoughts to your canvas waiting for your creativity to get into gear.

there are times when you must be able to put something on that page you'll soon see the abil......Read More detail

Sunday, January 8, 2012

a walk into abstracts volume v

a walk into abstracts volume v

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artists like myself want to peek through other artist s studio keyholes because we are curious to see what other artists are doing. In other words, how did they do that ?
aren t you curious how artists do what they do and might want to try it? people need to know what it feels like to make a painting that way. The reason people want to read how abstract artists make their paintings is so they can try to do it themselves, but differently.

you have probably spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for books, tapes and workshops. Many artist charge $75, $100 or more per day for workshops. A five day workshop can easily cost more than $1,000 dollars with tuition, travel, lodging, food, etc.

and still you are just learning from one artist. i recently spent over $1,000 for a 5 day workshop with a very well known artist and by the third day i was so disappointed i was ready to go home.

here you are getting the opportunity to learn the techniques of 29 artists. this is a collection of abstract painting techniques and ideas from 29 accomplished abstract artists and 48 pieces of abstract art work.

this is actually volume five in the "a walk into abstracts" series. Volume one was a massive collection of abstract art and so popular, i felt that artists were frantically searching for new abstract painting techniques. So, i contacted 29 of my favorite abstract artists and asked them to contribute to this book.

these are different abstract artists ......Read More detail

a walk into abstracts

a walk into abstracts

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artists like myself want to peek through other artist s studio keyholes because we are curious to see what other artists are doing. In other words, how did they do that ?
aren t you curious how artists do what they do and might want to try it? people need to know what it feels like to make a painting that way. The reason people want to read how abstract artists make their paintings is so they can try to do it themselves, but differently.

you have probably spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for books, tapes and workshops. Many artist charge $75, $100 or more per day for workshops. A five day workshop can easily cost more than $1,000 dollars with tuition, travel, lodging, food, etc.

and still you are just learning from one artist. i recently spent over $1,000 for a 5 day workshop with a very well known artist and by the third day i was so disappointed i was ready to go home.

here you are getting the opportunity to learn the techniques of 40 artists. this is a collection of abstract painting techniques and ideas from 40 accomplished abstract artists and 59 pieces of abstract art work.

this is actually volume four in the "a walk into abstracts" series. Volume one was a massive collection of abstract art and so popular, i felt that artists were frantically searching for new abstract painting techniques. So, i contacted 40 of my favorite abstract artists and asked them to contribute to this book.

these are different abstract artists ......Read More detail

a walk into abstracts: abstract painting techniques and guide

a walk into abstracts: abstract painting techniques and guide

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artists like myself want to peek through other artist s studio keyholes because we are curious to see what other artists are doing. In other words, how did they do that ?
aren t you curious how artists do what they do and might want to try it? people need to know what it feels like to make a painting that way. The reason people want to read how abstract artists make their paintings is so they can try to do it themselves, but differently.

you have probably spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for books, tapes and workshops. Many artist charge $75, $100 or more per day for workshops. A five day workshop can easily cost more than $1,000 dollars with tuition, travel, lodging, food, etc.

and still you are just learning from one artist. i recently spent over $1,000 for a 5 day workshop with a very well known artist and by the third day i was so disappointed i was ready to go home.

here you are getting the opportunity to learn the techniques of 27 artists. this is a collection of abstract painting techniques and ideas from 27 accomplished abstract artists and 45 pieces of abstract art work.

this is actually volume two in the "a walk into abstracts" series. Volume one was a massive collection of abstract art and so popular, i felt that artists were frantically searching for new abstract painting techniques. So, i contacted 27 of my favorite abstract artists and asked them to contribute to this book.

these are different abstract artists a......Read More detail