Friday, January 13, 2012

piano tuning tools | kits | parts | supplies | decals | instruction | benches

piano tuning tools | kits | parts | supplies | decals | instruction | benches

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this piano tuning site is designed to provide you with a vast amount of information about piano service and related subjects. We also supply a complete line of piano tuning tools , piano parts and piano supplies . We also now offer a complete line of stock & custom piano decals .

you may also find an extensive list of accessories such as piano benches , piano stools and piano moving equipment . Choose an item from the menu bar at the top or choose a link at the bottom of this page to navigate this site.

i have prepared a number of "ebooks" (electronic books) on a variety of piano tuning related subjects. These may be downloaded to your computer and read off line. You may also print them out if you would like a hard copy. Printed copies are also available which can be mailed to you. Here are the ebooks currently available.

click on an image for more information . . . did you ever wish that you could tune your own piano? well . . . Here is what you need to get started. Download my manual today & discover the basics of how to tune your own piano. free consultation is available with your purchase. more information please . . .

do you have basic mechanical skills? then doing your own repairs will be a cinch once you understand the functions of the various parts of a piano, you can easily do most of the repairs yourself. My ebook will teach you how to diagnose a problem & then make the appropriate repairs. I also give you sources for all the tools & part......Read More detail

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