Sunday, January 8, 2012

a walk into abstracts volume v

a walk into abstracts volume v

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artists like myself want to peek through other artist s studio keyholes because we are curious to see what other artists are doing. In other words, how did they do that ?
aren t you curious how artists do what they do and might want to try it? people need to know what it feels like to make a painting that way. The reason people want to read how abstract artists make their paintings is so they can try to do it themselves, but differently.

you have probably spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for books, tapes and workshops. Many artist charge $75, $100 or more per day for workshops. A five day workshop can easily cost more than $1,000 dollars with tuition, travel, lodging, food, etc.

and still you are just learning from one artist. i recently spent over $1,000 for a 5 day workshop with a very well known artist and by the third day i was so disappointed i was ready to go home.

here you are getting the opportunity to learn the techniques of 29 artists. this is a collection of abstract painting techniques and ideas from 29 accomplished abstract artists and 48 pieces of abstract art work.

this is actually volume five in the "a walk into abstracts" series. Volume one was a massive collection of abstract art and so popular, i felt that artists were frantically searching for new abstract painting techniques. So, i contacted 29 of my favorite abstract artists and asked them to contribute to this book.

these are different abstract artists ......Read More detail

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