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what does it take to write a 1 hit? click here for free information the answer is yes i play live acoustic guitar music almost every week of the year, makinggood, regular money---and i'm going to show you exactly howyou cando it, too--even if you don't play guitar and can't even sing and lots of people are now using live acoustic guitar shows to train for american idol and other competitions--read below
from the desk of, rex murphy artist, acoustic performer there are lots of books online about how to play guitar, singing lessons, etc. But none that i've seen that tell you specifically the best ways to make money with your guitar without having to join one or more bands, wear yourself out trying to make ends meet, and feeling like you can't win. Instead of going solo, most guitar players, songwriters, and artists looking to make money usually try to join or form a band. that can be a good thing in time, but it can be tough to get all the right players together that think the same way you do, buy all the equipment, market the band, learn all the songs, practice, and try to book gigs that pay well enough, which doesn't happen for a long time for bands that aren't established. Not that being in a band is bad it just requires a lot more time and it's harder to make good money.
and if you're like i was, you need money now, not a bunch of expenses and waiting around--right? well, there is a better way, if you want some fast, fun, weekly music income or want to trai......Read More detail
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