Friday, January 27, 2012

belly dance lessons online - home

belly dance lessons online - home

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learn how to belly dance in the comfort of your own home. Get started with 8 free eclasses straight away

have you always wanted to know how to belly dance, but haven't been able to for whatever reason? claim your curves and turn them into assets " i'm a shift worker and can't attend regular classes " "i've always wanted to learn, but i'm too shy to do it in front of a group " "i'm a mum and can't get out of the house easily " "i don't live near a belly dance teacher, how can i learn?" "there are no belly dance teachers in my area " discover how to look good and feel great in an easy to follow, step-by-step guide with full support along the way

over the years, students have asked me if i hold classes at different times, or students get frustrated that they can only attend sporadically due to work, family, or other commitments. Shift workers find it particularly difficult to attend regularly. Then if you add in lack of transport, and not to mention bad weather can all hinder students from learning what they love belly dance so i have come up with a solution. i will teach you at the time that suits you, in the privacy of your own home, at your convenience .

simply scroll down the page and put your name and email address into the box to introduce yourself. Once you've done that, it will take you to a page with the first 5 free e-classes to get you started right away .

you will be able to get started straight away with belly dance basics like:......Read More detail

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