Saturday, January 7, 2012

abstract art painting techniques and tips for all abstract artists

abstract art painting techniques and tips for all abstract artists

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artists like myself want to peek through other artist s studio keyholes because we are curious to see what other artists are doing. In other words, how did they do that ?
aren t you curious how artists do what they do and might want to try it? people need to know what it feels like to make a painting that way. The reason people want to read how abstract artists make their paintings is so they can try to do it, but differently.

this is a massive collection of abstract painting techniques and ideas from 58 nationally recognized abstract artists and 108 pieces of abstract art work. It is like being in their studio peering over their shoulder as they create another masterpiece. Most of the featured abstract artists would say that their art is more real than other painting styles as the colors and textures they create are real.

enjoy the creative process of abstract art in which 'nothing is wrong . Realize that you can create your own masterpiece. You will understand each artist s methods of painting and use of tools. Don't just copy what other artists are doing, but use these abstract painting techniques to develop your own unique style.

people are constantly looking for new forms of expression and this guide offers you the opportunity to satisfy these needs with abstract painting. This is a practical guide so i have included artists that i like their work and their working process , which you will need to familiarize yourself with before you start ......Read More detail

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