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the incredible 'shortcut' to mastering the drums from the comfort of home... "finally, a proven system that allows anyone to learn to play the drums like a pro - without ever leaving home
why pay $45 a session, travel up to an hour from home and be kicked out of the practice room 5 minutes before your lesson is even over, when you could learn to master the kit any time you want - any where you want - for free
from the thrones of paul donahue and mike purvis (okay... Mike's at a desk - more on that in a minute...
if you're the least bit frustrated about the progress you've been making as a drummer, or ever thought that you couldn't play or read like the pros... I'm about to prove you wrong
or maybe you've been held back from learning the craft because of long work hours (with no time to schedule a lesson - nevermind practice) - or are just a little too gunshy to sit down with a pro and show them where you're at (which you should never be)...
maybe there aren't any places to get a lesson close enough to home - or worse... You've taken lessons and found out that there are some instructors out there that just see you as a paycheck, and are more concerned with getting you out the door so they can get to their other gig (which is delivering pizzas), to cover the bills
it's crazy - but i've known a few every instructor had an outline they followed and it was mostly a "do this and then we'll talk" kind of a relationship (which ......Read More detail
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