Friday, March 2, 2012

drawing animals ebook

drawing animals ebook

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you want to draw and draw well. The kind of drawings you can be proud of. The kind that people want to see and are amazed by. Drawing animals in pencil is a new kind of drawing experience that takes you through the techniques and methods step by step.
drawing is very similar to writing. When you write down your own name you are using pre learned shapes and lines to create something recognizable. The vast majority of us can do that. You probably do that every day without thinking about it. You weren't born able to do it. Neither was i but we learned. Making lines, squiggles and shapes is easy. Accept that and you are on your way to becoming a killer artist.

you will, among many other things, see how to: blend with everyday materials to lift your drawings to the next level. create sketches, line drawings and different kinds of tonal drawings. make the pencil create texture with ease. and much more importantly you will discover that perseverance triumphs over talent. it really does every lesson in this ebook can be tackled with simple pencil and paper. That is the power of it. at 486 pages this book is huge the actual content (the good stuff minus intro page, legalities etc) is 480 packed pages. well over 900 illustrations detailing techniques and step by step drawings.

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