Sunday, March 18, 2012

find an agent workshop (clickbank) « how to act and model

find an agent workshop (clickbank) « how to act and model

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they all have great agents representing them announcing my new find an agent workshop . I will personally show you step-by-step how to find and get representation with an agent in your area as well as out of town. This will give you your best opportunity to get work both locally and in distant markets.

what i'll teach you in these 90-minutes will literally change your acting and modeling career forever.

welcome if you re not getting the acting and modeling jobs you desire or want to become an actor or model and don t know where to start, then you need my find an agent now workshop.

but first can you tell me if any of these apply to you? if so, then what i have to share with you will change your life you see my online find an agent now workshop is your opportunity to watch me as i literally walk you through how i find a new agent in each city i want to work in.

i have found and am represented by over 100 agents. i am going to show you my exact step-by-step process. Watch exactly what i do to find a new agent. This is your chance to learn step-by-step the exact same methods i use to find agents to work for me

to help you succeed in getting an agent, i will be using special online software so you can watch my computer screen as i clearly explain and show you the exact steps i take to find great agents, and specifically what i look for when visiting their website.

here s what people have to say about my workshop these are facebook comment......Read More detail

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