Wednesday, March 14, 2012

learn how to play guitar | free guitar tip

learn how to play guitar | free guitar tip

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click "play" button above to view video. get instant access to over 70 jam packed guitar lessons with tons of illustrations, guitar chord pictures, jam tracks, video, audio clips and more

are you pulling your hair out in frustration because your learn guitar program is taking too long and costing you too much money ?

are you sick and tired of busting your butt painfully working your way through thick boring guitar books (fullof nursery rhymes), following every guitar magazine routine,month after month and seeing no visible improvement in your guitar playing?

98% of everyone who starts a learn guitar program will never see any significant improvement in their playing

oh, you will absolutely see some progress at the very beginning of your guitar playing. Everyone does but no doubt you have also come face-to-face with the brutal truth that ultimately reaches out and smacks you on the head ... this progress is only temporary as your guitar playinggrinds to a frustrating halt.

the naked truth about guitar playing: am i psychic? hardly i know from experience... my teaching methods are legendary and have earned the praise of top authorities in guitar instruction.

i've had the thrill of having my music officially listedalongside industry heavy-weights like michael jackson , tracy chapman and lionel richie in the 31st grammy awards ballot "best instrumental" category.

now the formalities are aside let's get down to the real reason why y......Read More detail

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