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home about me contact faqs member's login i need to be completely upfront with you here.what you're about toread about is definitely not for everyone. (in fact, there's a lot of guitarists who won't need to learn about what's on this page )...
you only need to read this page if you're one of the following... if you feel that you fall into one of the above categories, then i invite you to invest a few minutes reading this page carefully. It could help you a lot...
do anyof these common guitar legato problems sound familiar? if you can relate to any of the above problems, then hopefully you realize that you are certainly not alone. I've noticed from all my years of professionally teaching guitar, thata lot of guitarists have these exact same problems...
and that's one of the reasons why i've created the guitarlegato fast start system... overcome your guitar legato problems with the guitar legato fast start system... theguitar legatofast start system is an intensive 12-month online course aimed at electric guitarists serious about improving their hammer-on and pull-off technique.
if you are newto legato technique (or just plain frustrated with it),and would like to maximize your progress, then it may be for you. (more on this later)...
what i've done with this online course is to reveal some valuable information and practice strategies that will...
it's not my intention to "hard-sell" you here. i know that theguitar legato fast start sys......Read More detail
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